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【Link Japan Careers Inc.】 Part1 – Support foreign talents who want to work in Japan from the same perspective

Link Japan Careers Inc. (hereinafter “Link Japan Careers”) is a company which offers employment and living support for foreign talent, focusing mainly on English teachers in Japan. It also supports other customers, companies and local governments, for employment or training of foreign talent. In this first article, we interviewed Mr. Ishikawa, who has been with the company since it was founded.



※この募集は(株)インディゴジャパンでの雇用派遣をされるパートタイムジョブの求人です。 【留学生向けインターンシップ募集】日本語➡インドネシア語の翻訳チェックのアルバイト募集 世界各国の人が日本語を学 […]