【留学生就職イベント】2019/3/23 ASEAN JOB FAIR 2020

【留学生就職イベント】2019/3/23 ASEAN JOB FAIR 2020
※International students other than those from ASEAN can participate in this event. Many companies that are considering expanding or advancing into ASEAN or companies that provide services for foreigners from ASEAN are participating.
ASEAN出身者を中心とした留学生を採用する企業が参加する、”ASEAN JOB FAIR”が今年も開催されます。毎年多くの留学生が参加し、内定を獲得しているイベントです。早く登録すると、交通費が一部支給されます!また、イベント当日、たくさんの企業の説明を聞くと、総額10万円相当の商品がもらえるラッキードローに参加することができます!ぜひ、お友達と一緒に参加してください。
“ASEAN JOB FAIR” will be held this year, in which companies recruiting international students mainly from ASEAN will participate. It is an event that many international students participate each year and have got job offers. If you register earlier, part of the transportation expenses will be paid by the organizer! Also, on the day of the event, students can participate in Lucky Draw which can receive items equivalent to 100,000 yen in total when listening to many corporate presentations! Please join us with your friends.
エントリー(Register Here)
Information to be registered is output as your carrier sheet to be submitted to the company on the day of the event.
March 23 (Sat)12:00~18:00(Venue open from 11:30)
Akihabara UDX /4-14-1Sotokanda,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo,
JR Akihabara Station (2 minutes’ work from the electric town Exit of the station)
More than 20 companies
New Graduates September 2019 or March 2020, ASEAN Students studying in Japan.
※Participation by non-ASEAN foreign students is possible, but it is not covered by the transportation expenses.
※It is targeted at university graduates and graduate school graduates who can join April 2020.
Freedom(We recommend wearing a suit.)
在留資格証明書 or 学生証
DO NOT forget to take your Residence card or Student card with you!
11:30 開場・受付開始(Opening and reception start.)
12:00 オリエンテーション(Orientation.)
13:00~18:00 出展企業ブース訪問(Exhibitor’s booth visit.)
18:00~ ラッキードロー(Lucky draw)
You can enter until 17:00. Payment of transportation expenses will be eligible for those who have finished reception by 13:00 on the day of advance reservation so please come as soon as possible.
Transportation subsidies provided if you register by March 8th
※ルールをご確認ください(please check rules)
北海道・九州・沖縄地方 (Hokkaido, Kyushu, Okinawa):10,000円
関西・中国・四国地方 (Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku):7,000円
東北・中部・東海地方 (Tohoku, Chubu, Tokai):5,000円
関東地方 (Kanto):500円
All participants can get 1000yen Amazon gift card!!
注1:* 本キャンペーンは株式会社ベネッセ i-キャリアによる提供です。本キャンペーンについてのお問い合わせはAmazonではお受けしておりません。株式会社ベネッセ i-キャリア ASEAN JOB FAIR運営事務局【03-5909-8507】までお願いいたします。
* Amazon、Amazon.co.jp およびそのロゴはAmazon.com, Inc. またはその関連会社の商標です。
※This campaign is provided by Benesse-i-Career CO., LTD.For any questions regarding this campaign, please contact 03-5909-8507, ASEAN Job Fair Support by Benesse-i-Career,*Amazon, Amazon.co.jp and its logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its associates.
You will only get “Scout Mails” if you register for the fair by March 11.
Get awesome gifts worth a total of 100,000yen!!
After the event, we will hold a lucky draw.
<エントリー(Register Here)>
Information to be registered is output as your carrier sheet to be submitted to the company on the day of the event.