2018/8/8 Career Japan主催!日本の大学で勉強している留学生向け個別面談会!(Career Japan Event:Interview Session for International Students)

Career Japan主催!日本の大学で勉強している留学生向け個別面談会!(Career Japan Event:Interview Session for International Students)
【 日本の大学で勉強している留学生向けイベント!(Exclusive Event for International Students Currently Studying in Japanese University!) 】
■2018/8/8(Wed) 12:00 open~17:00 close
■神楽坂HCスタジオ(Kagurazaka Human Capital Studio 2‐12 Shimomiyabi-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
Only for the companies accepting foreigners
Free entrance
Exclusive for new graduates
Pre-reservation required
【対象(All welcome)】
International students who are currently studying in Japanese University.
Available to start working between September 2018 and April 2019.
Have at least Bachelor degree and/or higher (including students who are expected to graduate in September 2018 and March 2019.
■履歴書(Japanese Resume)
【参加予定企業(Participating Companies)】
■YOKOWO CO., LTD./ヨコオ(Electronic Component Maker/電子メーカ)
※Participating companies information will be updated regularly.(As of May 22nd 2018)