【留学生就職イベント】2018/9/8 マイナビ主催!外国人留学生のための就職セミナー(Job Seminar for International Students)

外国人留学生のためのマイナビ就職セミナー(Job Seminar for International Students)
【外国人留学生を積極的に採用する優良企業が参加予定!(Great companies which highly expected to hire international students will join!) 】
■2018/9/8(Sat) 13:00 open-17:00 close
※入退場は自由ですので開催時間のうち自由に来たい時間に来て頂いて大丈夫です(Free to enter anytime between opening hours)
■マイナビルーム竹橋 パレスサイドビル9F(Palace side Building 9F, MyNavi Room Takebashi, 1 Chome-1-1 HitotsubashiChiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Job interview seminar for international students!
Special gift for those who register pre-reservation!
Great opportunities to discover new jobs!
Resumes not required!
Free Admission!
【対象(Qualification to Participate)】
International Students who will graduate from University, Graduate School, Technical College by March, 2019.
【参加企業(Participating Companies list)】
(Many great Japanese companies)
※Participating companies list is on the event page