2018/6/23.24 バイリンガル留学生向け日本最大級!東京サマーキャリアフォーラム2018!(Tokyo Summer Career Forum2018: The largest job fair for bilingual students)

国内最大級の日英バイリンガル留学生就職イベント!東京サマーキャリアフォーラム(Tokyo Summer Career Forum2018: The Largest Job Fair for Japanese-English Bilingual)
【出典企業は250社以上!イベント当日に『面接選考』や『内定獲得』も!(More than 25o companies will participate! Huge Opportunities for Interviews and Receiving Job offers during the Event !) 】
■2018/6/23.24(sat/Sun) 10:00 open~17:00 close
■東京ビッグサイト東4・5棟(Tokyo Big Sight East building 4.5 )
※入退場は自由ですので開催時間のうち自由に来たい時間に来て頂いて大丈夫です(Free to enter anytime between opening hours)
More than 250 companies will participate!
Many companies will open interviews at the booths!
Great opportunities to discover new jobs!
Exclusive event for new graduates!
Pre-reservation required!
【対象(Qualification to Participate)】
Japanese-English bilingual
Graduated from or currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Ph.D. program outside of Japan
Enrolled in a Japanese university and have/had study abroad experience (eg. exchange program)
Currently in Japan, but have experience living abroad
Mid-career professionals with study or work abroad experience
【持ち物(Items to Bring)】
■写真付き履歴書数枚(Several resumes with photo)
【参加企業(Participating Companies list)】
(More than 250 global companies and Japanese companies)
※Participating companies list is on the event page