【ASEAN JOB FAIR 2019】ASEAN留学生のための就職ジョブフェア!

ASEAN job fair will be held where Japanese companies wanting to recruit international students will participate.
There are many booking benefits so let’s entry early!
留学生ジョブフェアお申し込み(Job Fair Entry)
March 24 12:00- (Venue opens from 11:30)
【場所】秋葉原UDX(東京都千代田区 外神田4-14-1)
Akihabara UDX(Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Sotokanda 4-14-1)
New Graduates who are from mainly ASEAN international students from university graduates and graduate school graduates from Sep. 2018 to Mar. 2019.
※Participation by international students from other countries other than Japan is possible, but it is not covered by the transportation expenses.
留学生ジョブフェアお申し込み(Job Fair Entry)
★予約特典Register to get these benefits!★
1. 交通費の一部支給あります!(3/16までの事前予約が必要です)
Transportation subsidies provided if you register by March 16th (please check rules)
2. 来場者全員に1000円分のAmazonギフトカード支給!
All participants can get 1000yen gift card!!
3. 抽選で合計10万円相当の豪華プレゼントが当たります!
Get awesome gifts worth a total of 100,000yen!!
在留資格証明書 or 学生証
DO NOT forget to take your Residence card or Student card with you!
■参加企業一覧 | Participating companies■
Shiseido Company, Limited/JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation/Sankyu Inc/Nissha Co., Ltd/SystemEXE,Inc/FUJITSU LIMITED/FUJITSU CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED/Hitachi Zosen Corporation/Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd/Nippon Computer Systems Corp/Mitsubishi Motors Corporation/CAC Corporation/Alps System Integration Co., Ltd/Jidosha Buhin Kogyo Co., Ltd/ Fuji Furukawa Engineering & Construction Co.,Ltd/IMV CORPORATION/NTN Corporation/DOWA Holdings Co., Ltd/NTT DATA SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES INC/SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO.,LTD/Eisai Co., Ltd/AEON DELIGHT CO., LTD./Osaka Gas Co., Ltd./JTB Pte Ltd (JTB Asia Pacific Group)/Nitori Holdings Co., Ltd./PERSOL RESEARCH &DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.