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エンワールド・ジャパンのCXO佐藤 有さんと外国籍社員のダニエルさん

【企業インタビュー】エンワールド・ジャパン株式会社 / 多国籍の人が違いを超えて、一人ひとり活躍できる会社を作る(1/2)


インタビューを受ける株式会社パソナの李 妍暻さん

【Pasona Inc.】Part 2 – Privilege of being a part of changing someone’s life

In the Global Business Management Division, which we interviewed this time, foreign talents account for 30% of the employees. They offer business such as recruiting global talent, outsourcing services for overseas human resources, global training programs, and HR consulting to support Japanese companies become more global. Today we interviewed Miss Lee, who is from Korea and one of the unit heads of the Global Search BusinessDepartment.