Recruitment|Shizen Energy Inc.(English)

Development and fundraising for solar, wind, small hydroelectric and the other renewable energy power plants / Holding and operating owned solar power plants / Supplying electricity to individuals and corporations
Tokyo Office
113-0033 東京都文京区本郷4-9-22本郷フジビル
Fukuoka Office (HQ)
810-0062 福岡県福岡市中央区荒戸1-1-6福岡大濠ビル
Kobe Office
658-0047 兵庫県神戸市東灘区御影3丁目2-11-36
Type of Recruitments|
SHIZEN ENERGY has three recruitment programs.
– Challenge Recruitment; for those with a strong desire to work with us
– Specialist Recruitment; for those who have skills applicable to positions we are looking to fill
– Internship; for undergraduate students and grad students ▷▷▷ See more detail
*If you would like to work in SHIZEN ENERGY group as a new graduate, you must do internship.
**Salary, requirements, qualifications and selection process etc. is varied with the type of recruitments or positions.
Please apply via cooperate website.